
Synthesis Trainer

train a patch-based regressor for MR image synthesis

usage: synth-train [-h] -s SOURCE_DIR [SOURCE_DIR ...] -t TARGET_DIR
                   [-o OUTPUT] [-m MASK_DIR] [-r {rf,xg,pr,mlr,mlp}] [-v]
                   [--cross-validate] [-ps PATCH_SIZE] [-fp] [-ns N_SAMPLES]
                   [-cr CTX_RADIUS [CTX_RADIUS ...]] [-th THRESHOLD]
                   [-pd POLY_DEG] [--mean] [--use-xyz] [-n N_JOBS]
                   [-msl MIN_SAMP_LEAF] [-nt N_TREES] [-mf MAX_FEATURES]
                   [-md MAX_DEPTH] [-nr NUM_RESTARTS] [-mi MAX_ITERATIONS]
                   [-hls HIDDEN_LAYER_SIZES [HIDDEN_LAYER_SIZES ...]]
                   [-rs RANDOM_SEED]


-s, --source-dir
 path to directory with domain images (multiple paths can be provided for multi-modal synthesis, put T1-w images first if they are not skull-stripped)
-t, --target-dir
 path to directory with target images


-o, --output path to output the trained regressor
-m, --mask-dir optional directory of brain masks for images
-r, --regr-type

Possible choices: rf, xg, pr, mlr, mlp

specify type of regressor to use

Default: “rf”

-v, --verbosity

increase output verbosity (e.g., -vv is more than -v)

Default: 0


do leave one out cross-validation on the provided dataset (e.g., if 5 datasets are provided, then 5 models are trained where all the data are used except one).

Default: False

Synthesis Options

-ps, --patch-size

patch size extracted for regression [Default=3]

Default: 3

-fp, --full-patch

use the full patch in regression vs a reduced size patch [Default=False]

Default: False

-ns, --n-samples
 use randomly sampled (with replacement) n_samples voxels for training regressor (None uses all voxels) [Default=None]
-cr, --ctx-radius

context radii to use when extracting patches [Default=(3,5,7)]

Default: (3, 5, 7)

-th, --threshold

threshold for foreground and background (above is foreground) [Default=0]

Default: 0

-pd, --poly-deg
 degree of polynomial features derived from extracted patches (None means do not use polynomial features) [Default=None]

learn to take the mean value of input patch to the mean value of output patches

Default: False


use the x,y,z coordinates of voxels as features

Default: False

Regressor Options

-n, --n-jobs

number of processors to use (-1 is all processors) [Default=-1]

Default: -1

-msl, --min-samp-leaf

minimum number of samples in each leaf in rf (see min_samples_leaf) [Default=5]

Default: 5

-nt, --n-trees

number of trees in rf or xg (see n_estimators) [Default=60]

Default: 60

-mf, --max-features

proportion of features to use in rf (see max_features) [Default=1/3]

Default: 0.3333333333333333

-md, --max-depth
 maximum tree depth in rf or xg [Default=None (3 for xg)]
-nr, --num-restarts

number of restarts for mlr (since finds local optimum) [Default=8]

Default: 8

-mi, --max-iterations

maximum number of iterations for mlr and mlp [Default=20]

Default: 20

-hls, --hidden-layer-sizes

number of neurons in each hidden layer for mlp [Default=(100,)]

Default: (100,)

-rs, --random-seed

set random seed for reproducibility [Default=0]

Default: 0

Synthesis Predictor

synthesize MR images via patch-based regression

usage: synth-predict [-h] -s SOURCE_DIR [SOURCE_DIR ...] -t TRAINED_MODEL
                     [-o OUTPUT_DIR] [-m MASK_DIR] [-v] [--cross-validate]


-s, --source-dir
 path to directory with domain images
-t, --trained-model
 path to the trained model (.pkl)


-o, --output-dir
 path to output the synthesized images
-m, --mask-dir optional directory of brain masks for images
-v, --verbosity

increase output verbosity (e.g., -vv is more than -v)

Default: 0


do leave one out cross-validation on the provided dataset (e.g., if 5 datasets are provided, then 5 models are trained where all the data are used except one).

Default: False